Marketing Trends for 2019
Each year consumers get smarter and Marketing gets harder. Here are some points to follow to ensure your Marketing is top of its game in 2019.
Leveraging Content to the niche markets
Marketing use to be a scatter approach where brands would advertise and hope to get a customer from it. Nowadays, consumers are getting so savvy with ads and seeing more of them that it has become more difficult for brands to stay in the mind of the consumer.
Brands will need to reach the right type of audience so that they are interested in what it is the brand is offering.
In 2019 brands should introduce a funnel to their Marketing approach to leverage their content to a niche audience.
Creating Shareable Content
In recent years, brands have been up against each other to produce lots of content on social media, but with so much noise online now, it’s become harder to get noticed and reach a mass audience.
To reach a larger network beyond the people who ‘follow’ or ‘like your page, you’ll need to strategise your content so that it encourages users to share to their audience.
Some shareable content ideas for this would be; competitions, meme’s, influential marketing & more.
Chat Bots and 24/7 Customer Service
The beauty of online marketing and social media is that it’s so convenient for our customers. They can shop from the comfort of their home and everything is available to them at a touch of a button. To enhance the customer journey and offer more value than the competition, brands will need to step up in 2019 and offer customer service 24/7 too.
Online chat bots can be installed to company websites and social media managers can respond instantly on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
GDPR and Online Security
GDPR was a big topic of Marketing in 2018 and we need to maintain the standards this year, protecting our customer data and advising them on how we do so. If you haven’t figured this out and worried you may not have covered all elements of GDPR within your Marketing, contact Gem Media for a GDPR Audit.
Verticle Video
This one may seem strange as surely it doesn’t matter how the video is done, but it really does! In a recent poll, we found that users are getting frustrated with turning their phone to the side just to watch a video.
The future of video marketing is Verticle videos, especially for the percentage of online users who prefer to watch videos on their PC or laptop.
Brands need to get immersive. We cannot expect customers to log into old channels and carry out old ways. We need to improve their experience and evolve with our customer day to day activities.
Focus on Gen Z
If your target market is 18 year olds then you cannot afford to miss out the Gen Z. The generation born in the millennium, who are now approaching 18 years old and of working age with their own income.
Targeting Gen Z isn’t easy. They are digital natives and their approach to buying is very different. They want integrity and they want a brand with a mission statement. Ensure that your business has its ethos and values on your website as new customers want to read what you are about before buying from you.
Facebook Groups
Facebook algorithms favours community and consumption, which is why Facebook Groups have become so successful, with lots of brands choosing to build a 'group' so their audience will see their posts. This is a great way to connect with your audience.
Achieve even better Marketing results in 2019 by creating your own group. You can make this private or available to users all over the world.
Visual Marketing is even more important
Did you know Instagram has more than 4 billion likes per day and each image gets 23% more engagement than Facebook (Stats by AdWeek). In 2019 it is set to get even bigger with IGTV playing a huge part. This integrated video platform features vertical videos and perfect for Marketers to reach mobile users.
76% of posts on Instagram are done Monday-Friday so in 2019, try to work on Instagram at the weekends too and see 22% more interactions.
The other feature of Instagram that you want to be using in the year ahead, is the new countdown sticker. Now you can tell your users when your new product/service is coming out and they can see how long they have to get their hands on it.
Live Video
72% of businesses say that video has improved their conversion rate and 52% of consumers say watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions.
Live Video streaming on Facebook, Instagram & Snapchat are growing in popularity and encourages more engagement.
Before pulling the trigger on new trends, make sure it's the correct move for your business and your brand.
Stay creative and ambitious! If you want to revisit your 2018 Marketing efforts and plan a powerful strategy for 2019, please email - we are looking forward to hearing from you.